Premium care for bald guys

High quality ingredients. Manufactured in Germany. Made for bald heads.

Over 72.000 happy bald heads

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4,9/5 customer reviews

The best quality delivers best results.

Baldies are delighted with our quality and the results. A well-groomed and healthy bald head without skin irritation, an oily scalp or other skin problems.

Founder by conviction.

From a bald man for bald men.

Hey! I'm Dennis, the founder of BETTER BE BOLD.

In 2016 I noticed for the first time that I was losing my hair. 4 years of uncertainty passed until I decided in March 2021 to shave my head.

It was a brave decision and an extremely liberating feeling for me.

This was the birth of BETTER BE BOLD. I really love what I do.